The Global Consciousness Project

What is the nature of Global Consciousness?

Data summaries description


Download data ONLY from Fast server

The data collection and analytical software developed in the early days of the Project have been remarkably effective and robust. They provide access to the data and some analysis tools, as well as a variety of displays of processed data. Additional facilities, especially for the displays, have been added over the years, and this page lists the array of possibilities with annotation and links. For the original page, which includes remarks intended to help with the interpretation of data summaries, see the historical access page.

Daily summaries are automatically created at day's end. To provide time for late reporting eggs, the summaries are rebuilt about two days later.

The Web-based data extract request form creates a delimited text file (CSV) which can be downloaded to a file on your computer for further processing. Note: There are occasional bad data that are filtered: we exclude all trial-values greater than 145 and less than 55; see also Errors, below.

Data displays

Current results
the formal data analysis summary
Aggregate Eggsummary data
numeric tables, 15-minute blocks for each egg, summary graphs
Real-time Java display
colors, sounds showing egg output per second
Daily videos of egg activity
begin March 2009; original videos (Flash-based)
composite network variance, color coded levels, includes 24-hour graph
GCP data at GCI
long-term moving average of network variance, selectable 1 to 28 days

Data access

Web-based data extract request form
access raw data for download and analysis
Data format and tools
information on data structure and utilities
Eggshell analysis package
tools and programs for low-level data processing
Windows application for downloading and analyzing egg data
Advanced data access
multi-day data, requires arrangement with Project director
Pseudo-random clone database
control data description, requires pre-arrangement
list of known errors in the GCP database